I have one table (call it abc
) like below:
The column named 'likelihood'is a JSON Object (key-value).
I have another table (lets call it xyz
) that contains CustomerId and key(an integer value) columns.
I am joining the two tables above based on customerid like:
Select xyz.customerid, key, label from xyz join abc on xyz.customerid = abc.customerid
I want to find label
against the key provided in the key
column of table xyz
, from the JSON Object of the column likelihood
in the table abc
All the examples of function JSON_EXTRACT
that I have found, are passing hard coded key instead of some dynamic value of key taken from the database.
First problem was: my JSON Object contains keys which are integer values & not alphabets or words. So in order to reference value with an integer as key, we need to write it down like:
JSON_EXTRACT(json_object, '$."int_key"')
Here is my solution:
Select xyz.customerid,key,JSON_EXTRACT(abc.likelihood,concat('$."',xyz.key,'"')) as label from xyz join abc on xyz.customerid = abc.customerid;