Well, I think that the question is in the title : in a web component, with shadowRoot, I want to use a slot text-content inside the content property of a pseudo ::before or ::after element. This could make me gain much lines.
Would you have an idea, a proposal, a solution ?
Thank you for your answer.
I was looking for something wich doesn't exist yet. So I have chose a solution with css var and a setter to set it :
class extends HTMLElement {
set content(val) {
constructor() {
and, of course :
:host::before {
content: attr(data-content);
This seems to be the lighter solution I may imagine.
I'd like to suggest to web's standards developpers to create a new css function : slot(name) witch, with attr(...), var(...) and calc(...), could help the use of pseudo elements inside a web component. Could someone show me the way to present this proposal ???
I do apologize for my poor english language (I'm french, nobdy's perfect).