I am using Ag-grid and a NgRx Store as its Data Source. The Data is handled in my Parent Component and passed via observable (tableData
) to my table component.
<div class="table-wrapper" *ngIf=tableData>
The ag-grid columns contain checkboxes. When the user clicks on a cell an Event is emittet which changes the current State of the App, the clicked checkbox and the whole tableData
As a result the UI reflects those changes as intended.
@Input tableData;
@Output cellValueChanged = new EventEmitter<>();
constructor() { }
onGridReady(params: any) {
this.gridApi = params.api;
this.gridColumnApi = params.columnApi;
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
cellClicked(event) {
this.cellValueChanged.emit({ data });
The problem with that solution is that the whole table data gets reloaded. This causes the table to resize to autoColumnWidth and also, if I had been scrolling down the table, a reset of the scrollbar to the top state.
cellClicked(event) {
this.gridApi.updateRowData({ update: data });
works like a charm, but only if I do NOT update the app state. The problem is that I want and need to update the app state everytime the user performs an action on the table to keep the frontend- and store-data consistent.
How do I prevent the table from rerendering after updating the AppState?
Thanks to your help I found the solution.
First step with NGRX or RxJS is to use deltaRowMode.
Second issue with my code was that I am creating the columnRefs dynamically. When I click on a cell not only the rowData but also the columnRefs would be recalculated. This would lead to the reset of the grid.
Thanks for your help! I learned alot