I'm using a third party multi-language package where translation values can only be obtained/used from component's template, not from component's logic (at least I can't find how to the latter).
I need to pass such translation value in some component as a default prop value:
:placeholder="{ propValue ? propValue : $t('value') }
If placeholder is explicitly specified then use that. If not, use $t('value') instead. What's the right way to write this?
I tried this in reaction to @Michael's answer:
import i18n from "@/utilities/i18n";
export default {
data() {
return {
test: i18n.t('register.agreeTermsCaptionLink')
Getting this error:
_utilities_i18n__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.default.t is not a function
You can set default value to prop like this:
props: {
propValue: {
type: String,
default: this.$t('value')
With that in your template you need just to assign that value like: :placeholder="propValue"
Is that what you trying to achive?
Good luck!