I am reading the section on Testing Exceptions on ScalaTest documentation and looking at examples such as
an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] should be thrownBy s.charAt(-1)
I tested a
and that works too
a [IndexOutOfBoundsException] should be thrownBy s.charAt(-1)
val thrown = the [IndexOutOfBoundsException] thrownBy s.charAt(-1)
I am confused and there is little to no documentation about these keywords. Thanks
Unfortunately, scalatest docs aren't that detailed about that, but it's more or less like this:
You should use a
when you just want to assert on the type of exception thrown, but not it's contents (e.g. message, nested exception, etc.), but the implementation and behavior are otherwise identical
You should use an
when exception class starts with a vowel - just because of English spelling rules. Behind the scenes, they are represented by different machinery (AMatcher vs. AnMatcher), but behavior is virtually identical (the only difference I ever observed is the use of "a" vs. "an" in the failure message)
You should use the
when you want to assert on the type of exception thrown, and also capture the exception instance to perform additional assertions (on the message, nested exception, etc.)