I am trying to generate tables based off the paramaters of a function. To generate the table I thought of passing a string of what I wanted to be executed as the following function:
conn = sqlite3.connect('tutorial.db')
c = conn.cursor()
def create_table(name, unix, datestamp, keyword, value):
command = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + name + "(" + unix + " REAL, " + datestamp + " TEXT, " + keyword + " TEXT, " + value + " REAL)"
c.execute('CREATE TABLE' + command)
However when I run the command:
I get error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\David\Documents\learn_sql_\learn_sql.py", line 22, in create_table('new','boy','girl','joy','joe') File "C:\Users\David\Documents\learn_sql_\learn_sql.py", line 12, in create_table c.execute('CREATE TABLE' + command) sqlite3.OperationalError: near "TABLECREATE": syntax error
try with this :
import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect('tutorial.db')
c = conn.cursor()
def create_table(name, unix, datestamp, keyword, value):
#c.execute('CREATE TABLE' + command)
cmd = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s(%s real,%s text,%s text,%s real)" % (name,unix,datestamp,keyword,value)