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Intellij/VSCode ballerina debugger don't hit breakpoints

I have made, super easy, hello world app with main.

import ballerina/io;
public function main() {
    io:println("Hello, World!");

I'm making breakpoint like always in IDE "RED DOT"(tried both intellij and vscode) I go for run debug and it doesn't stop on target breakpoint. It compiles good, outputs "Hello, World!" as it should

What I have tried already:

  • reinstal ballerina 1.0.4
  • reinstal plugins
  • tried on both IDEs
  • start new project with super easy hallo world

console output under

Ballerina Debugging is an experimental feature.
Visit for known limitations and workarounds.

Waiting for debug process to start...

"C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2018.2.2\bin\runnerw64.exe" "C:/Program Files/Ballerina/ballerina-1.0.4/distributions/jballerina-1.0.4\bin\ballerina.bat" run --debug 52376 --sourceroot C:\nieTenKoziol\ballerina-test-debugger mod1
Please start the remote debugging client to continue...
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 52376
Compiling source

Creating balos

Generating executables

Running executables

Hello, World!
Disconnected successfully from the debug server.
Terminate batch job (Y/N)? 


  • There is a known bug in 1.0.4 where debug points are being skipped. This is reported at and a fix is already being sent. Fix will be available with next patch release.

    However, remote debugging is working fine with 1.0.4.