I have added Detekt to my Gradle project. My intention was to invoke detekt
on demand only, since it creates a lot of false positives. However, the detekt
task is active by default (and breaks the build). How can I avoid this dependency?
What I tried: I have added a gradle.taskGraph.beforeTask
block that sets enabled = false
gradle.taskGraph.beforeTask {
val containsDetektTaskCall = gradle.startParameter.taskNames.contains("detekt")
if (name.startsWith("detekt") && !containsDetektTaskCall) {
logger.lifecycle("Skipping all 'detekt-plugin' tasks")
enabled = false
I have the feeling that these 7 lines of code are really a bit much just to override a task dependency. I would appreciate a general Gradle answer as well as some Detekt-specific way.
There are a lot of ways to skip the task.
The easiest one is to add onlyIf
condition for your task.
For example:
task detect {
doFirst {
println 'detect'
detect.onlyIf { project.hasProperty('runDetect') }
The detect
task will be executed only when the onlyIf
condition is true.
./gradlew detect -PrunDetect
Please take a look here for details https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/more_about_tasks.html#sec:skipping_tasks