I've created API REST collections on my project that will be called both internally (in the same PHP project) and externally (from other projects)
My question is : What is the best way to consume internal API REST ?
I've created a function to mock the call this way :
// init mock
$env = Environment::mock([
'REQUEST_URI' => $path,
'QUERY_STRING' => $urlParams,
'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' => 'Bearer '.$token
$req = Request::createFromEnvironment($env);
// Instantiate CandidateRoute
$app = (new $class)->get();
$app->getContainer()['request'] = $req;
// Run slim inst
// Run Slim
$response = $app->run(true);
This is working, but it's still an HTTP call in the end...
Any other way to consume internally API REST ?
Is better to call through CURL instead of mocking ?
Is it OK to make many HTTP calls for API REST that are in the same project ? (I guess no)
Thanks in advance!
Based on Slim documentation : http://www.slimframework.com/docs/v3/cookbook/environment.html
Mock Environment objects are only useful when writing unit tests.
This rules out using mock on production, which means I'll have to consume internal APIs using cURL. I kept my function for PHPUnit tests.
I've decided to add a callApi() function that sends GET/POST/PUT cURL requests as if the API is external, since I couldn't find any better solution... I still have a problem with the 414 Request-URI Too Long when using GET, but that will be for another topic.