hello I'm in engineering student and I'm currently working on C++ project. I need to draw a couple of rectangles with this function but I can only draw them by defining the same top left corner. I'd like to draw rectangles by defining one of the 9 points of the recangle ( middle center, middle left , middle right, top right , top left, Bottom center…). could you please help me ?
void Svgfile::addRectangle(int x1,int y1,int width,int height, std::string color)
m_ostrm << "<polygon points=\" "
<< x1 << "," << y1 << " "
<< x1+width << "," << y1 << " "
<< x1+width << "," << y1+height << " "
<< x1 << "," << y1+height << " "
<< x1 << "," << y1
<< "\" style=\"fill:" << color
<< "\" />\n";
Transform all the points in question to top left point and use the same code. For transforming for each point type you can use a switch, if/else or function calls. For example if it is a mid point or top right point, you can define them as follows
void Svgfile::addRectangleTopRight(int x1,int y1,int width,int height, std::string color)
addRectangle(x1-width, x2, width, height, color) ;
void Svgfile::addRectangleMid(int x1,int y1,int width,int height, std::string color)
addRectangle(x1-width/2, x2-height/2, width, height, color) ;