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How to get all the words "bar" after the word "foo" with regex

I am trying to retrieve all occurrences of the word bar after the word foo.

Below the content:




foobar fuu

bar fuubar


bar fuu

I want to retrieve all bars that are bold and disregard the first bar that is in italic format.

I tried to use the follow regular expression:


But that only catches the first occurrence.


Thanks for the support guys. Below the data more closer to reality:

Some data

name: Person 1

Some data


 name: Person 2

 Some data

name: Person 3

Some data

 name: Person 4

 Some data

Some data

I want to get the name of the persons after my_delimiter:

I am testing here


  • After you updated your answer, you don't need a regex lookbehind, you can use a regex like this to find the first name after your delimiter:


    Working demo

    On the other hand, if you want all names after your delimiter, then you can use a regex trick like this and then grab the content from capturing group:


    Working demo 2

    The capturing group stores the data highlighted in green.

    enter image description here