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OPTIONS request before GET request with Authorization Header not working in slim framework 4

I have cloned slim skeleton ( which already have CORS implemented. But still when API calls OPTIONS before GET, it sends 405 ERROR "Method not allowed. Must be one of: GET"

Here is my route where I face this error. $group->get('/users', ListUsersAction::class);

    $app->group('', function (Group $group) {
        $group->post('/user/create', CreateUsersAction::class);
        $group->get('/users', ListUsersAction::class);
        $group->get('/user/{id}', ViewUserAction::class);

The same route is working from postman. And same route is working if I remove Authorization token from header.

Execution does not even reach to first line of "AuthenticationMiddleware".

However I tested it by adding same option route without "AuthenticationMiddleware".

like this:

    $app->options('/users', function(Request $request, Response $response) {return $response;});

    $app->group('', function (Group $group) {
        $group->post('/user/create', CreateUsersAction::class);
        $group->get('/users', ListUsersAction::class);
        $group->get('/user/{id}', ViewUserAction::class);

This is working. So I guess I forgot to add some code or I did any miskate which causing the error, or the skeleton has a bug.

Can anyone help on this? Thanks in advance.


  • Okay I found the solution.

    You can use a wildcard OPTIONS request to avoid this issue / error. Below is an example:

    $app->options('/{routes:.+}', function ($request, $response, $args) {
        return $response;

    I have tested it and currently working fine for me.

    In my test, as mentioned, I tried it by creating OPTIONS route for /users, it was working but creating OPTINOS route for all API route get created is doesn't make sense, here is the solution as wildcard OPTIONS route.

    thanks @odan for taking time to comment, but wildcard OPTIONS route is better solution.