I am looking for some Research paper or books have good, basic definiton of what Supervised and Unsupervised Learning is. So that i am able to quote these definition in my project.
Thank you so much.
I would make a reference to the following book: Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (3rd Edition) 3rd Edition by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig. In more detail in Chapter 18 and in pages 693 and on there is an analysis of supervised and unsupervised learning. About unsupervised learning:
In unsupervised learning, the agent learns patterns in the input even though no explicit feedback is supplied. The most common unsupervised learning task is clustering: detecting potentially useful clusters of input examples. For example, a taxi agent might gradually develop a concept of “good traffic days” and “bad traffic days” without ever being given labeled examples of each by a teacher
While for supervised:
In supervised learning, the agent observes some example input–output pairs and learns a function that maps from input to output. In component 1 above, the inputs are percepts and the output are provided by a teacher who says “Brake!” or “Turn left.” In component 2, the inputs are camera images and the outputs again come from a teacher who says “that’s a bus.” In 3, the theory of braking is a function from states and braking actions to stopping distance in feet. In this case the output value is available directly from the agent’s percepts (after the fact); the environment is the teacher.