I have implemented in-app-billing for Android many times. But for my latest app, I can not get the purchase working.
I use IABv3.
When I do the queryInventoryAsync()
I got proper results: my SKU is found, and I even see its price, description, etc, in the log.
So the in-app product exists, and can be queried.
Yet, when I purchase it, I see: The item you requested is not available for purchase.
And IabHelper reports:
Purchase canceled - Response: 4:Item unavailable
What could be causing a situation where the queryInventory does see the product, but the purchase request does not see the product?
UPDATE: It started working without any changes. Somehow there was a large delay. I wonder if it has to do with the review, or the age-rating review?
It started working (without me doing any changes) roughly at the time I received an email with this:
If I had to guess, the IAB item was blocked until the app was rated or reviewed otherwise by Google.