I have a least square problem at hand: Ax=b
Without any constraint, it can be solved like below:
import numpy as np
from lmfit import Model, Parameters, Minimizer, report_fit
from numpy.linalg import lstsq
A = np.array([[ 143, -144, -343, 56, 98, 54]
,[-7632, 77, -277, 63, 999, 345 ]
,[ 55, -75, 74, 744, 765, 77]
,[-22 , 177, -28, 12, 54, 577]
,[-848 , -433 , 121, 54, 643, 88]
,[98, 75, 155, 87, 23, 54]
,[12, 56, 44, 44, 86, 46]
,[75, 22, 111, 965, 486, 345]])
b = [-114, -734, -270, 577, 676, 122, 245, 654]
b = np.reshape(b, (8, 1))
x, residuals, rnk, s = lstsq(A, b, rcond=-1)
print (" x =", x)
x = [[-0.04886372]
[ 1.44719216]
[ 0.42944648]
[ 1.98725466]]
I want to add a repetitive constraint on each pair of results and solve this problem by using LMFIT since it seems to be more convenient to define the constraints. I tried this but it doesn't work. The constraint is that, for example, for the first pair of results x1
must be positive and -x1 <= x2 <= x1
and the same pattern for the next pairs.
def fcn2min(params, A, b):
x1 = params['x1']
x2 = params['x2']
x3 = params['x3']
x4 = params['x4']
x5 = params['x5']
x6 = params['x6']
x = np.array([x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6])
x = np.reshape(x, (6, 1))
return np.sum((np.dot(A, x)-b)**2)
params = Parameters()
params.add('x1', min=0)
params.add('xangle1', value=0.05, vary=True, min=(-np.pi/2)+(0.00000000001), max=(np.pi/2)-(0.00000000001))
params.add('x2', expr='(x1)*(sin(xangle1))')
params.add('x3', min=0)
params.add('xangle2', value=0.05, vary=True, min=(-np.pi/2)+(0.00000000001), max=(np.pi/2)-(0.00000000001))
params.add('x4', expr='(x3)*(sin(xangle2))')
params.add('x5', min=0)
params.add('xangle3', value=0.05, vary=True, min=(-np.pi/2)+(0.00000000001), max=(np.pi/2)-(0.00000000001))
params.add('x6', expr='(x5)*(sin(xangle3))')
mini = Minimizer(fcn2min, params, fcn_args=(A, b))
out = mini.leastsq()
print (" report_fit(result) =", report_fit(out.params))
First, it doesn't work and I have difficulty to define and solve the problem. Second, it would be pretty hard to manually define the parameters and constraints for a large scale problem, let's say when the x
has 100 or 1000 elements.
Any help to handle this problem is appreciated. Thank you.
It is always helpful to say what you actually got. Saying "it doesn't work" is basically useless. You should report the output and any error messages you get. Including a description of what you think you should get is also sometimes helpful.
A couple of points:
np.sum((np.dot(A, x)-b)**2)
and return np.dot(A, x)-b
instead. The fit will do the squaring and summing.With that, you will get a fit that runs to completion and satisfies your constraints:
def fcn2min(params, A, b):
x1 = params['x1']
x2 = params['x2']
x3 = params['x3']
x4 = params['x4']
x5 = params['x5']
x6 = params['x6']
x = np.array([x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6]).reshape((6, 1))
return np.dot(A, x) - b
params = Parameters()
params.add('x1', 0.25, min=0)
params.add('xangle1', value=0.05, vary=True, min=(-np.pi/2)+(0.00000000001), max=(np.pi/2)-(0.00000000001))
params.add('x2', expr='(x1)*(sin(xangle1))')
params.add('x3', 0.25, min=0)
params.add('xangle2', value=0.05, vary=True, min=(-np.pi/2)+(0.00000000001), max=(np.pi/2)-(0.00000000001))
params.add('x4', expr='(x3)*(sin(xangle2))')
params.add('x5', 0.25, min=0)
params.add('xangle3', value=0.05, vary=True, min=(-np.pi/2)+(0.00000000001), max=(np.pi/2)-(0.00000000001))
params.add('x6', expr='(x5)*(sin(xangle3))')
mini = Minimizer(fcn2min, params, fcn_args=(A, b))
out = mini.leastsq()
report_fit(out, min_correl=0.5)
which will print out:
[[Fit Statistics]]
# fitting method = leastsq
# function evals = 75
# data points = 8
# variables = 6
chi-square = 597869.757
reduced chi-square = 298934.879
Akaike info crit = 101.773493
Bayesian info crit = 102.250143
x1: 0.21393627 +/- 0.19714856 (92.15%) (init = 0.25)
xangle1: -0.01575861 +/- 9.59829799 (60908.27%) (init = 0.05)
x2: -0.00337120 +/- 2.05111043 (60842.16%) == '(x1)*(sin(xangle1))'
x3: 0.89232913 +/- 1.36874096 (153.39%) (init = 0.25)
xangle2: -0.86188487 +/- 2.50527077 (290.67%) (init = 0.05)
x4: -0.67734114 +/- 0.99201291 (146.46%) == '(x3)*(sin(xangle2))'
x5: 0.89482649 +/- 1.32577015 (148.16%) (init = 0.25)
xangle3: 1.57078737 +/- 398996.439 (25401047.11%) (init = 0.05)
x6: 0.89482649 +/- 4.38420893 (489.95%) == '(x5)*(sin(xangle3))'
[[Correlations]] (unreported correlations are < 0.500)
C(x1, x5) = 0.878
C(x5, xangle3) = 0.853
C(xangle1, xangle3) = 0.829
C(xangle1, x5) = 0.808
C(x1, xangle2) = -0.802
C(x3, xangle2) = 0.732
C(xangle2, x5) = -0.729
C(x1, xangle1) = 0.663
C(x1, xangle3) = 0.640
C(xangle2, xangle3) = -0.548
C(xangle1, xangle2) = -0.531
The uncertainties are very, very high, suggesting something may not be right with your model for the constraints.