The Task is that the error does bot explain that problem right.
The Error:
Project tests must be in a passing state before running Infection.
Infection runs the test suite in a RANDOM order. Make sure your tests do not have hidden dependencies.You can add these attributes to
to check it:If you don't want to let Infection run tests in a random order, set the
to some value, for exampleCheck the executed command to identify the problem: '/usr/bin/php7.2' '-d' '' '/mnt/e/dev/bin/phpunit' '--configuration' '/mnt/e/dev/var/infection/
infection/phpunitConfiguration.initial.infection.xml' '-vvv'
PHPUnit reported an exit code of 143.
Refer to the PHPUnit's output below:
Cannot load Xdebug - it was already loaded
What i try is simple to execute follow statement:
vendor/bin/infection --threads=10 --only-covered
But when I try that statement that explained in that error, the tests will run successfully, but that is only my unit tests without the mutation-testing.
Here is an abstract of phpunit tag in my phpunit.xml.dist
<phpunit .... backupGlobals="false" colors="false" bootstrap="/mnt/e/dev/RESTler/config/bootstrap.php" executionOrder="random" resolveDependencies="true" cacheResult="false" stopOnFailure="true" stderr="false" .../>
The Versions are:
has anyone a hint of what I can try or where my error is?
After my long Jurney i found something out. But dont why it dosnt work with my configuration.
That was the right statement for me, after i remove the
from my php.ini
infection --threads=10 --only-covered --initial-tests-php-options='-d'
I thought it would be enough but then came the memory_limit problem, that cam be fixed on the same way
infection --threads=10 --only-covered --initial-tests-php-options='-d -d memory_limit=-1'
Now it Runs and i have some todos :)
.: killed, M: escaped, S: uncovered, E: fatal error, T: timed out
.........M..MMMMMMM.M.M.MMM.MMMM.M.MMMMMMMM.MMMM.M (50 / 89) .....MM................MMMMMMM.MMMM.... (89 / 89)
89 mutations were generated:
45 mutants were killed 0 mutants were not covered by tests 44 covered mutants were not detected 0 errors were encountered 0 time outs were encountered
Mutation Score Indicator (MSI): 50% Mutation Code Coverage: 100% Covered Code MSI: 50%
if somebody use phpdbg
instead of xdebug
and has that memory_limit issue, for me it has work if i had overwrite the new php.ini for phpdbg in my /etc/php/7.3/phpdbg/php.ini
I hope this post here helps someone else once again. I do not delete it first. Maybe one day another mod.