code snippet...
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
@* test code *@
<form action="/Account/LogOff/" id="logoutForm" class="logoutForm" method="post">
@*<input type="submit" value="LogOff" />*@
<a href="javascript:document.getElementById('logoutForm').submit()">@xx.Web.Resources.AccountLogin.Logout</a>
@* original code *@
@*@using (Html.BeginForm("LogOff", "Account", FormMethod.Post, new { id = "logoutForm", @class = "logoutForm" }))
<a href="javascript:document.getElementById('logoutForm').submit()">@xx.Web.Resources.AccountLogin.Logout</a>
//********* controller code
// POST: /Account/LogOff
public ActionResult LogOff()
return RedirectToAction("Index", "AnonController");
Pic to confirm, token is in the generated page.
so the "@* original code *@" is from a newly generated mvc5 application template. In a brand new app, it works great and your logged out.
In the app I'm building it has stopped working. The test code(above @* test code *@) I have works if I use an input button to submit the form. If I use the
Any ideas on what would prevent form fields from being submitted? thanks in advance.
So still don't understand what is going on here.
However, the following fixes it.
Changed "javascript:document.getElementById('logoutForm').submit()" to call a local js function which does the submitting.
function SubmitMe() {
$("<input />").attr("type", "hidden")
.attr("name", "__RequestVerificationToken")
.attr("value", $('input[name=__RequestVerificationToken]').val())