Basically I want to apply some changed to SCNNode (e.g. change morpher.weights or change skeleton transform) and render scene after that.
scnRenderer.scene = sceneView?.scene
scnRenderer.pointOfView = sceneView?.pointOfView
scnRenderer.sceneTime = 1
scnRenderer.render(atTime: 0, viewport: viewport, commandBuffer: commandBuffer, passDescriptor:
commandBuffer.addCompletedHandler { (buffer) in
And I want to do it for the whole animation. Pseudocode will look like:
func animateNextStep() { //will be called in render function after rendering
guard step < count else { return }
step += 1
Currently 80% of the images is good and contains model with correct position of bones and correct morpher weights and 20% not (looks like it was rendered with previous values). I want some completion handler after applying the changes to the node.
I can wrap rendering in DispathQueue.main.asyncAfter but I think there are should be some good solution.
How to do it right?
Could be an issue with the transactions but it's hard to say without more context.
In applySomeChanges
you can try to use an explicit transaction
[SCNTransaction begin];
[SCNTransaction setAnimationDuration:0];
// changes to SceneKit objects
[SCNTransaction commit];
and you can also try to call [SCNTransaction flush];
at the beginning of your render