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Is it possible to change NSUserActivity's userInfo from another app?

I am trying to open app B, from app A using universal links as below:

@IBAction func openButtonPressed(_ sender: Any) {
    if let appURL = URL(string: "") { { success in
            if success {
                print("The URL was delivered successfully.")
            } else {
                print("The URL failed to open.")
    } else {
        print("Invalid URL specified.")

In App B's AppDelegate -> application continueUserActivity restorationHandler method, it calls another function where the userActivity is processed. Here there is a check for NSUserActivity's userInfo. It is checking for a key PageName in NSUserActivity's userInfo property, and according to the value it assigns a type to the activity and routes the app accordingly.

NSString *page = activity.userInfo[@"PageName"];
if ([page isEqualToString:@"Places"]) {
    return UserActivityTypePlaces;
} else {
    return UserActivityTypeLink;

I was wondering if I can change or add a key value pair to userInfo in App A, so that App B can route me to another tab. (In this case I want it to open another tab and search the location string that is in the universal link)

I have checked other questions related with NSUserActivity's userInfo on StackOverflow and Apple Developer forums but they are not changing it on the calling app.(such as in App A)

Thank you


  • I made these in App A:

     let activity = NSUserActivity(activityType: NSUserActivityTypeBrowsingWeb)
     activity.title = "Places"
     activity.userInfo = ["Page" : "Places"]
     let userInfoSet:Set = ["Page"]
     activity.requiredUserInfoKeys = userInfoSet
     self.userActivity = activity

    and added the NSUserActivityDelegate method:

    override func updateUserActivityState(_ activity: NSUserActivity) {
            let dict:Dictionary = ["Page":"Places"]
            userActivity?.addUserInfoEntries(from: dict)

    But the NSUserActivity object is not something that goes from one app to the other. So this change only works within app A.

    Hope this helps someone else too.