ldapsearch -x -h <domain> -b "(&(cn=users,dc=apple,dc=com)(cn=groups,dc=apple,dc=com))" -s sub -LLL
Trying to use group search and user search in the same query but it's not working, suggest what is wrong or how it can be done.
I tried multiple query
ldapsearch -x -h nod.apple.com -b "(|(cn=users)(cn=groups))",dc=apple,dc=com -s sub
You can only make a search request to one base to a DSA (LDAP Server).
ldapsearch -x -LLL -h <domain> -b "dc=apple,dc=com" -s sub "(|(objectclass=group)(Objectclass=user"))
You can "Google/Bing" for ldapsearch examples or read https://www.openldap.org/software/man.cgi?query=ldapsearch