Is there any way to make the angular paths take the base href
attribute of the index.html
file after building the application, so that if I change the base href
value the app makes the requests to another url without building the app again?
I know I can achieve this by adding baseHref
to angular.json
"architect": {
"build": {
"builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:browser",
"options": {
"baseHref" : "/MyApp/"
But I'm trying to avoid rebuilding every time.
I also thought changing my iis site configuration, but I have multiple applications inside my site so updating the site config would break those:
It is Web server work (not Angular Router). I faced with the same problem with i18n. (Some usefull article for this case:
1) I build two diferent application with: baseHref="/" and "baseHref": "/fr/".
2) Then config IIS web.config to switch betweeen thouse two application.
Hope its help!