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MailKit: How to iterate through recent emails to get the email with a given subject

I’m creating a framework using .NET core 2.1. I used MailKit and tried several methods as explained in their pages and also in StackOverflow but still no luck.

So far, I was able to get the UIDs of the recent messages but can’t seem to iterate through the list to get the email with the specific subject.

Test calling the method:

                 Core core = new Core(driver);

                 bool isEmailPresent = core.EnsureUnreadEmailExists("Your application details" , "emailAddress");


Core (Class):

          public bool EnsureUnreadEmailExists(string emailSubject, string emailBox)


                 bool emailExists = true;

                 //start stopwatch to monitor elapsed time

                 Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                 //long maximumTimeout = 180000; //exit loop when maximumTimeout is reached

                 long maximumTimeout = 10000; //exit loop when maximumTimeout is reached

                 int sleepWait = 500;

                 //check if email exists and is readable

                 while (CheckEmailExistsAndIsReadable(GetGmailMessage(emailBox), emailSubject) && sw.ElapsedMilliseconds <= maximumTimeout)


                       //loop until email has arrived and is activated or maximumTimeout exceeded


                       Console.WriteLine("Time elapsed : {0}ms", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);





                       emailExists = false;


                 catch (Exception ae)

                     //exception message
                       emailExists = false;



                 return emailExists;


          private IList<UniqueId> GetGmailMessage(string emailBox)


                 // Switch on the string - emailBox.

                 switch (emailBox.ToUpper())


                        case "emailAddress1":

                              GMailHandler gmh1 = new GMailHandler("", 993, true,

                              "emailAddress", "password");

                              return gmh1.GetRecentEmails();


                              throw new Exception("Mail box not defined");



GMailHandler (Class)

          public GMailHandler(string mailServer, int port, bool ssl, string login, string password)


                 if (ssl)

                       Client.Connect(mailServer, port);


                       Client.Connect(mailServer, port);

                 Client.Authenticate(login, password);



          public IList<UniqueId> GetRecentEmails()


                 IList<UniqueId> uids = client.Inbox.Search(SearchQuery.Recent);

                 return uids;


Method (in Core class) I'm unable to complete to iterate through UIDs to get email with the given subject

          public static bool CheckEmailExistsAndIsReadable(IList<UniqueId> uids, string emailSubject)




                       Console.WriteLine("Attempt to read email messages .....");

                       string htmlBody = "";

                       string Subject = "";

                       bool EmailExists = false;

                       foreach (UniqueId msgId in uids)


                              if (msgId.)


                                     htmlBody = email.BodyHtml.Text;

                                     Subject = email.Subject.ToString();

                                     Console.WriteLine("Subject: " + Subject);

                                     Match match = Regex.Match(Subject, emailSubject);

                                     Console.WriteLine("match: " + match.Groups[0].Value.ToString());

                                     if (match.Success)


                                            Console.WriteLine("Email exists with subject line: " + emailSubject);

                                            EmailExists = true;





                       if (EmailExists)


                              //email found so exit poll

                              Console.WriteLine("email found return false ");

                              return false;




                              //email not found so contiue to poll

                              Console.WriteLine("email not found return true ");

                              return true;



                 catch (IOException)


                       //the email with specific subject line has not yet arrived:

                       //may be still in transit

                       //or being processed by another thread

                       //or does not exist (has already been processed)

                       Console.WriteLine("Email has not arrived or still in transit. Continue to poll ... ");

                       return true;



What I want to do is to add a class or two and have reusable methods, so that I can use these in any of my future tests. 1. Access gmail and validate email with a certain subject is present 2. Extract certain content (e.g. security pin) from that email and add it into a text file. 3. Check content of the email


  • You can try something like

              public GMailHandler(string mailServer, int port, bool ssl, string login, string password)
                      if (ssl)
                             client.Connect(mailServer, port);
                             client.Connect(mailServer, port);
                      client.Authenticate(login, password);
                      inbox = client.Inbox;
              public IEnumerable<string> GetEmailWithSubject (string emailSubject)
                      var messages = new List<string>();
                      var results = inbox.Search(SearchOptions.All, SearchQuery.Not(SearchQuery.Seen));
                      foreach (var uniqueId in results.UniqueIds)
                             var message = client.Inbox.GetMessage(uniqueId);
                             if (message.Subject.Contains(emailSubject))
                             //Mark message as read
                             inbox.AddFlags(uniqueId, MessageFlags.Seen, true);
                      return messages;