Lets assume that i have a list of Dtos, i want to loop throught them and set some values and then insert/update them to my Room database. So from my ViewModel i call the repository class, run the loop inside there and then i call dao.insertItems(list).
fun updateItems(itemList: List<ItemDto>) {
val readDate = DateUtils.getCurrentDateUTCtoString()
???SCOPE???.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
for (item in itemList)
item.readDate = readDate
The question is what kind of courtineScope do i have to use inside the Repository class. Do i have to create a repositoryScope with Dispatchers.Main..? Perhaps a GlobalScope..?
You should write your repository APIs as suspend
functions instead, like so
suspend fun updateItems(itemList: List<ItemDto>) = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
val readDate = DateUtils.getCurrentDateUTCtoString()
for (item in itemList)
item.readDate = readDate
Edit: if you need this to run even after the viewmodel is destroyed, launch it with NonCancellable
suspend fun updateItems(itemList: List<ItemDto>) = withContext(Dispatchers.IO + NonCancellable) {
val readDate = DateUtils.getCurrentDateUTCtoString()
for (item in itemList)
item.readDate = readDate