I know my question sounds generic, but I wasn't able to specify all of the details in the title without writing a paragraph. I'll try to make it straightforward here.
I have a database table of forms/ordered form-items. Each form-item can be indented a certain 'level'. For example, all rows where Indent Level (IL) = 0 are top-level items on that form. If IL = 1, and comes directly after an IL = 0 row, then the IL1 row's parent would be that previous IL0 row. But, there can be X number of IL1 items, whose parent would all be that same previous IL0. This pattern can continue down to 6 levels of nesting (where IL6's parent would be the previous IL5)
Here is an example of a form, with the correct ParentItemID filled out by me manually (this is the column I'm trying to calculate dynamically):
ItemID FormID SortOrder Indent Description ParentItemID
1000 1 1 0 Main Item 1 NULL
1001 1 2 0 Main Item 2 NULL
1002 1 3 1 Sub Item 1 1001
1003 1 4 1 Sub Item 2 1001
1004 1 5 2 Sub Item 2-1 1003
1005 1 6 2 Sub Item 2-2 1003
1006 1 7 2 Sub Item 2-3 1003
1007 1 8 3 Sub Item 2-3-1 1006
1008 1 9 1 Sub Item 3 1001
1009 1 10 0 Main Item 3 NULL
Here is what this would look like when actually translated from the raw data in the db into a form, just as a visual example:
I'm trying to use LAG, which works on the first IL1 item, but from there each of the following items refers to the previous row. I guess I could run a bunch of updates, filtering down to only each indent level, but that isn't ideal. I see that LAG takes an offset parameter, but for some reason I can't wrap my head around how i could calculate that dynamically to always refer to the previous item (based on sort order) that has an indent level of 1 less than the current indent level.
Here is the sql to create the table and populate with data:
create table FormItems(
ItemID int,
FormID int,
SortOrder int,
Indent int,
Description nvarchar(100),
ParentItemID int
insert into FormItems
select 1000, 1, 1 , 0, 'Main Item 1' ,NULL union
select 1001, 1, 2 , 0, 'Main Item 2' ,NULL union
select 1002, 1, 3 , 1, 'Sub Item 1' ,1001 union
select 1003, 1, 4 , 1, 'Sub Item 2' ,1001 union
select 1004, 1, 5 , 2, 'Sub Item 2-1' ,1003 union
select 1005, 1, 6 , 2, 'Sub Item 2-2' ,1003 union
select 1006, 1, 7 , 2, 'Sub Item 2-3' ,1003 union
select 1007, 1, 8 , 3, 'Sub Item 2-3-1' ,1006 union
select 1008, 1, 9 , 1, 'Sub Item 3' ,1001 union
select 1009, 1, 10, 0, 'Main Item 3' ,NULL
Probably the simplest method is apply:
select t.*, tp.itemId
from t outer apply
(select top (1) tp.*
from t tp
where tp.formId = t.formId and
tp.indent = t.indent - 1 and
tp.sortorder < t.sortorder
order by tp.sortorder desc
) tp;