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Partitioning by timestamps close to each other (say 30min)

I have a dataset where I want to partition it by timestamp close to each other(say less than 30min)

Driver | Timestamp
A      | 10/30/2019 05:02:28
A      | 10/30/2019 05:05:28
A      | 10/30/2019 05:09:28
A      | 10/30/2019 05:12:28
A      | 10/30/2019 07:54:28
A      | 10/30/2019 07:57:28
A      | 10/30/2019 08:02:28
A      | 10/30/2019 12:14:28
A      | 10/30/2019 12:17:28
A      | 10/30/2019 12:22:28

How can we partition it like below:

id     | Driver    |    Timestamp
1      |    A      | 10/30/2019 05:02:28
1      |    A      | 10/30/2019 05:05:28
1      |    A      | 10/30/2019 05:09:28
1      |    A      | 10/30/2019 05:12:28
2      |    A      | 10/30/2019 07:54:28
2      |    A      | 10/30/2019 07:57:28
2      |    A      | 10/30/2019 08:02:28
3      |    A      | 10/30/2019 12:14:28
3      |    A      | 10/30/2019 12:17:28
3      |    A      | 10/30/2019 12:22:28

Any help would be highly appreciated, thank you so much!


  • It depends on what you exactly want.

    If you want to break into a new group when there is a 30+ minutes gap between two consecutive timestamps, you can use lag() and a cumulative sum():

            when timestamp < lag_timestamp + interval '30' minute
                then 0
                else 1
        ) id,
    from (
            lag(timestamp) over(partition by driver order by timestamp) lag_timestamp
        from mytable t
    ) t