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WPF FlowDocument determine what page a Block would be on

If I have a var flow = new FlowDocument() and I add several blocks to its BlockCollection:

if (m_Blocks == null || m_Blocks.Count <= 0)
  return flow;

var paginatorSource = flow as IDocumentPaginatorSource;
var pageCount = paginatorSource.DocumentPaginator.PageCount;

I am able to determine how many pages this document consists of.


If the number of pages is greater than 1, how do I go about finding out which blocks of the document weren't able to fit on the first page? I can't find anything on the Block class that helps me determine this. But since the paginator can ComputePageCount(), I figured this was possible.


  • I took a brute-force approach to what I was attempting to accomplish. Basically, I needed to repeat a Paragraph at the top of each page. This is not the most performant way, I'm assuming, but it got the job done:

    protected FlowDocument RenderBody()
      var flow = new FlowDocument
        PageWidth = PaperSizeDPI.Width,
        PageHeight = PaperSizeDPI.Height,
        ColumnGap = 0,
        ColumnWidth = PaperSizeDPI.Width,
        PagePadding = new Thickness(MarginDPI.Left, MarginDPI.Top + HeaderHeightDPI, MarginDPI.Right, MarginDPI.Bottom + FooterHeightDPI)
      if (m_Blocks == null || m_Blocks.Count <= 0)
        return flow;
      // Get page count before deciding to deal with repeat blocks.
      // Adding blocks to the FlowDocument is required before invoking
      // `DocumentPaginator.ComputePageCount()`.
      int GetPageCount()
        var paginatorSource = (IDocumentPaginatorSource) flow;
        return paginatorSource.DocumentPaginator.PageCount;
      // If there is only one page, no roll-over of headers necessary
      if (GetPageCount() <= 1) return flow;
      // If we don't have a header to repeat, we assume the report is correct already
      if (PrintTemplateConverter.BuildRepeatableHeader == null) return flow;
      // Build the FlowDocument, one block at a time, checking if the page count
      // changes so that we can inject a repeatable header
      var pageCount = 1;
      var blocks = m_Blocks.ToList();
      for (var blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < blocks.Count; blockIndex++)
        if (GetPageCount() <= pageCount) continue;
        // If this block moved us to a new page, inject repeatable header in its spot.
        // `flow.Blocks.AddRange(...)` ignores duplicate blocks (by reference).
        // This is why I go through the "pain" of making a whole new Header block
        // instance.
        var blocksSoFar = flow.Blocks.ToList();
        blocksSoFar.Insert(blockIndex, PrintTemplateConverter.BuildRepeatableHeader());
        pageCount = GetPageCount();
      return flow;

    I hope this helps someone in the future!