I'm currently reverse engineering a software which computes a 2 bytes wide checksum for a given buffer of data. The code comes from a 16-bit DLL (NE format) and it was compiled with Borland C++. I suspect the checksum to be a CRC-16 with a poly of 0x8408 but I had no chance computing an identical CRC so I wonder if the implementation is "CRC16 standard" or not.
Here's the assembly implementation:
crc_cal proc far
var_4= word ptr -4
arg_0= word ptr 6
arg_2= dword ptr 8
mov ax, seg dseg37
inc bp
push bp
mov bp, sp
push ds
mov ds, ax
sub sp, 2
push si
push di
xor cx, cx
mov dx, 0FFFFh
mov [bp+var_4], 8408h
les bx, [bp+arg_2]
add bx, cx
mov al, es:[bx]
xor al, dl
mov dl, al
inc cx
xor di, di
jmp short loc_42672
mov si, dx
dec si
mov ax, si
shr ax, 1
mov si, ax
mov ax, dx
shr ax, 1
mov dx, ax
cmp si, dx
jnz short loc_42671
mov ax, dx
xor ax, [bp+var_4]
mov dx, ax
inc di
cmp di, 8
jb short loc_42657
cmp cx, [bp+arg_0]
jb short loc_42646
mov ax, dx
not ax
mov dx, ax
les bx, [bp+arg_2]
add bx, cx
mov es:[bx], dl
inc cx
mov ax, dx
shr ax, 8
mov dx, ax
les bx, [bp+arg_2]
add bx, cx
mov es:[bx], dl
inc cx
pop di
pop si
pop cx
pop ds
pop bp
dec bp
crc_cal endp
And some data with the associated CRC (last two bytes), as computed by the software:
| DATA |Inc|CRC|
00 00 00 00 00 00 01 ef f7 fe ef ff fd ef fb fa fd a2 aa 21 01 f4 e0
00 00 00 00 00 00 01 ef f7 fd ef ff fd fe fb fa fd a2 aa 21 02 f4 d1
00 00 00 00 00 00 01 f7 fe fd fd ff fd df ff fb fd a2 aa 21 03 f4 cd
00 00 00 00 00 00 01 f7 fe fe fd ff f7 ef ff fa fd a2 aa 21 04 f4 c2
00 00 00 00 00 00 01 ef f7 fe ef ff fe ef fb fa fd a2 aa 21 05 f4 db
00 00 00 00 00 00 01 ef f7 fe ef ff fd ef fb fa fd a2 aa 21 06 f4 db
The data shown doesn't correspond to a crc, as noted in this prior answer:
The code is an overly complex implementation of a right shifting CRC (in dx), poly = 0x8408, initial value = 0xffff, xor out = 0xffff. Check the next 2 bytes after each line to see if that is where the CRC is appended.
Questions code with comments. Thanks to Ross Ridge for explaining the "inc bp" is used to indicate a far call was involved, in case the stack needs to be backwalked (the "dec bp" at the end is used to undo the "inc bp" at the start).
crc_cal proc far
var_4 = word ptr -4 ; used to store poly
arg_0 = word ptr 6 ; number of bytes of data
arg_2 = dword ptr 8 ; far pointer to data
mov ax, seg dseg37 ; for ds that is never used
inc bp ; bp += 1, (bp&1 == far call indicator)
push bp ; save bp+1
mov bp, sp ; bp = sp, base for the equated offsets
push ds ; save ds
mov ds, ax ; ds = dseg37 (never used)
sub sp, 2 ; allocate space for poly (var_4)
push si ; save si, di
push di
xor cx, cx ; cx = offset to data
mov dx, 0FFFFh ; dx = initial crc
mov [bp+var_4], 8408h ;store poly
les bx, [bp+arg_2] ; al = next byte of data
add bx, cx
mov al, es:[bx]
xor al, dl ; crclo ^= data
mov dl, al
inc cx ; increment offset to data
xor di, di ; di = bit counter (0 to 7)
jmp short loc_42672
mov si, dx ; si = (crc-1)>>1
dec si ; if lsb was 0, then
mov ax, si ; si != dx later on
shr ax, 1
mov si, ax
mov ax, dx ; dx = (crc)>>1
shr ax, 1
mov dx, ax
cmp si, dx ; br if prior lsb of crc was 0
jnz short loc_42671
mov ax, dx ; crc ^= 0x8408
xor ax, [bp+var_4]
mov dx, ax
inc di ; increment bit counter
cmp di, 8 ; loop till byte done
jb short loc_42657
cmp cx, [bp+arg_0] ; loop till all bytes done
jb short loc_42646
mov ax, dx ; dx = ~ crc
not ax
mov dx, ax
les bx, [bp+arg_2] ; append crc to data, lsbyte first
add bx, cx
mov es:[bx], dl
inc cx
mov ax, dx
shr ax, 8
mov dx, ax
les bx, [bp+arg_2]
add bx, cx
mov es:[bx], dl
inc cx ; useless, cx gets overwritten below
pop di ; restore di, si
pop si
pop cx ; cx = poly
pop ds ; restore ds, bp
pop bp
dec bp ; bp -= 1 (undo inc bp from above)
crc_cal endp