I have sample data in my Salesforce table as given below:
I am on Mule 3.9 and running dataweave 1.0. I need to use dataweave to read the above data (from a Salesforce table) and transform it into a JSON as given below:
{"Id": "634594cc","Name": "Alpha","List": "AB01"},
{"Id": "634594cc","Name": "Alpha","List": "AB02"},
{"Id": "634594cc","Name": "Alpha","List": "AB03"},
{"Id": "5d839e9c","Name": "Bravo","List": "CD01"},
{"Id": "5d839e9c","Name": "Bravo","List": "CD02"},
{"Id": "3a5f34d3","Name": "Charlie","List": null}
As you can see above, the "List" column is what I need to split as separate arrays in the final JSON. It has data with semicolon at the begin, in between and in the end.
Thanks in advance for your help.
I took the liberty to create a couple of sample data based upon the SS (BTW, its best not to use SS) :).
Try this:
%dw 1.0
%output application/dw
%var data = [
id: "ABC123",
name: "A",
list: ";AB1;AB2;AB3;"
id: "ZXY321",
name: "B",
list: null
data reduce (e,result=[]) -> (
result ++ using (
list = e.list default "" splitBy /;/ filter ($ != ""),
sharedFields = {
Id: e.id,
Name: e.name
) (
using (
flist = list when ((sizeOf list) > 0) otherwise [null]
) (
flist map {
List: $