So I am working on an interactive periodic table project in Python, and am using Tkinter. I have buttons on it that, when clicked, provide info about the element named on the button. It outputs this as a label, and automatically goes away after 5.5 seconds. There is one thing I need to have done, but cannot seem to find a solution for:
I need a setting so that only one label can be displayed at a time. Currently, if I click the same or different buttons multiple times, the labels stack up on each other. I want there to only be one label, so if a new button is clicked, that label will replace the other.
This is the main code, that includes all the Tkinter stuff. I will also include at the bottom the other file I made with all the periodic table library stuff.
from elementsymbols import *
from tkinter import *
def callback_h():
labelh = Label(root, text="Element name: " + str( + "\n" + "Element symbol: " + str(h.symbol) + "\n" + "Atomic mass: " + str(h.atomic_weight) + "\n" + "Atomic number: " + str(h.atomic_number))
labelh.after(5500, lambda: labelh.config(text=''))
def callback_he():
labelhe = Label(root, text="Element name: " + str( + "\n" + "Element symbol: " + str(he.symbol) + "\n" + "Atomic mass: " + str(he.atomic_weight) + "\n" + "Atomic number: " + str(he.atomic_number))
labelhe.after(5500, lambda: labelhe.config(text=''))
def callback_li():
labelli = Label(root, text="Element name: " + str( + "\n" + "Element symbol: " + str(li.symbol) + "\n" + "Atomic mass: " + str(li.atomic_weight) + "\n" + "Atomic number: " + str(li.atomic_number))
labelli.after(5500, lambda: labelli.config(text=''))
class Window(Frame):
def __init__(self, master=None):
Frame.__init__(self, master)
self.master = master
# Creation of init_window
def init_window(self):
# changing the title of our master widget
self.master.title("Interactive Periodic Table v1")
# allowing the widget to take the full space of the root window
self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)
# creating a button instance
hbutton = Button(self, text="Hydrogen - H", command=callback_h)
# placing the button on my window, y=0)
# all other elements
hebutton = Button(self, text="Helium - He", command=callback_he), y=0)
libutton = Button(self, text="Lithium - Li", command=callback_li), y=0)
root = Tk()
# size of the window
app = Window(root)
That is the main code, here is where it is getting the periodic table info from:
from mendeleev import element
h = element('H')
he = element('He')
li = element('Li')
be = element('Be')
b = element('B')
c = element('C')
n = element('N')
o = element('O')
f = element('F')
ne = element('Ne')
na = element('Na')
mg = element('Mg')
al = element('Al')
si = element('Si')
p = element('P')
s = element('S')
cl = element('Cl')
ar = element('Ar')
k = element('K')
ca = element('Ca')
sc = element('Sc')
ti = element('Ti')
v = element('V')
cr = element('Cr')
Any and all help related to this would be appreciated, however actual code examples pertaining to my code would be extremely helpful and greatly appreciated.
What needs to be done is that root=Tk()
needs to be moved to the top, then the labels need to be created outside. The final code is shown below.
from elementsymbols import *
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
labelh = Label()
labelhe = Label()
labelli = Label()
labelbe = Label()
def remove():
def callback_h():
labelh.config(text="Element name: " + str( + "\n" + "Element symbol: " + str(h.symbol) + "\n" + "Atomic mass: " + str(h.atomic_weight) + "\n" + "Atomic number: " + str(h.atomic_number))
labelh.after(5500, lambda: labelh.config(text=''))
def callback_he():
labelhe.config(text="Element name: " + str( + "\n" + "Element symbol: " + str(he.symbol) + "\n" + "Atomic mass: " + str(he.atomic_weight) + "\n" + "Atomic number: " + str(he.atomic_number))
labelhe.after(5500, lambda: labelhe.config(text=''))
def callback_li():
labelli.config(text="Element name: " + str( + "\n" + "Element symbol: " + str(li.symbol) + "\n" + "Atomic mass: " + str(he.atomic_weight) + "\n" + "Atomic number: " + str(li.atomic_number))
labelli.after(5500, lambda: labelli.config(text=''))
def callback_be():
labelbe.config(text="Element name: " + str( + "\n" + "Element symbol: " + str(be.symbol) + "\n" + "Atomic mass: " + str(be.atomic_weight) + "\n" + "Atomic number: " + str(be.atomic_number))
labelbe.after(5500, lambda: labelbe.config(text=''))
class Window(Frame):
def __init__(self, master=None):
Frame.__init__(self, master)
self.master = master
# Creation of init_window
def init_window(self):
# changing the title of our master widget
self.master.title("Interactive Periodic Table v1")
# allowing the widget to take the full space of the root window
self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)
# creating a button instance
hbutton = Button(self, text="Hydrogen - H", command=callback_h)
# placing the button on my window, y=0)
# all other elements
hebutton = Button(self, text="Helium - He", command=callback_he), y=0)
libutton = Button(self, text="Lithium - Li", command=callback_li), y=0)
bebutton = Button(self, text="Beryllium - Be", command=callback_be), y=0)
# size of the window
app = Window(root)