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Should this unsafe code work also in .NET Core 3?

I'm refactoring my libraries to use Span<T> for avoiding heap allocations if possible but as I target also older frameworks I'm implementing some general fallback solutions as well. But now I found a weird issue and I'm not quite sure whether I found a bug in .NET Core 3 or am I doing something illegal.

The issue:

// This returns 1 as expected but cannot be used in older frameworks:
private static uint ReinterpretNew()
    Span<byte> bytes = stackalloc byte[4];
    bytes[0] = 1; // FillBytes(bytes);

    // returning bytes as uint:
    return Unsafe.As<byte, uint>(ref bytes.GetPinnableReference());

// This returns garbage in .NET Core 3.0 with release build:
private static unsafe uint ReinterpretOld()
    byte* bytes = stackalloc byte[4];
    bytes[0] = 1; // FillBytes(bytes);

    // returning bytes as uint:
    return *(uint*)bytes;

Interestingly enough, ReinterpretOld works well in .NET Framework and in .NET Core 2.0 (so I could be happy with it after all), still, it bothers me a bit.

Btw. ReinterpretOld can be fixed also in .NET Core 3.0 by a small modification:

//return *(uint*)bytes;
uint* asUint = (uint*)bytes;
return *asUint;

My Question:

Is this a bug or does ReinterpretOld work in older frameworks only by accident and should I apply the fix also for them?


  • The debug build works also in .NET Core 3.0
  • I tried to apply [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] to ReinterpretOld but it had no effect.


  • Ooh, this is a fun find; what is happening here is that your local is getting optimized away - there are no locals remaining, which means that there is no .locals init, which means that stackalloc behaves differently, and does not wipe the space;

    private static unsafe uint Reinterpret1()
        byte* bytes = stackalloc byte[4];
        bytes[0] = 1;
        return *(uint*)bytes;
    private static unsafe uint Reinterpret2()
        byte* bytes = stackalloc byte[4];
        bytes[0] = 1;
        uint* asUint = (uint*)bytes;
        return *asUint;


    .method private hidebysig static uint32 Reinterpret1() cil managed
        .maxstack 8
        L_0000: ldc.i4.4 
        L_0001: conv.u 
        L_0002: localloc 
        L_0004: dup 
        L_0005: ldc.i4.1 
        L_0006: stind.i1 
        L_0007: ldind.u4 
        L_0008: ret 
    .method private hidebysig static uint32 Reinterpret2() cil managed
        .maxstack 3
        .locals init (
            [0] uint32* numPtr)
        L_0000: ldc.i4.4 
        L_0001: conv.u 
        L_0002: localloc 
        L_0004: dup 
        L_0005: ldc.i4.1 
        L_0006: stind.i1 
        L_0007: stloc.0 
        L_0008: ldloc.0 
        L_0009: ldind.u4 
        L_000a: ret 

    I think I'd be happy to say that this is a compiler bug, or at least: an undesirable side-effect and behavior given that previous decisions have been put in place to say "emit the .locals init", specifically to try and keep stackalloc sane - but whether the compiler folks agree is up to them.

    The workaround is: treat the stackalloc space as undefined (which, to be fair, is what you're meant to do); if you expect it to be zeros: manually zero it.