I have a Blazor web assembly application with a main page and a nested component:
@page "/work/{CustomerId:guid}"
@using System.Diagnostics
@using ApplySupportTool.Client.I18nText
@using ApplySupportTool.Client.Services.Contracts
@using ApplySupportTool.Shared.Dto.Customer
@using Toolbelt.Blazor.I18nText
@inject I18nText Localization
@inject ICustomerApi CustomerApi
@attribute [Authorize]
<h3>@string.Format(localizedStrings.WorkOverviewTitle, Customer?.CustomerName)</h3>
<MatTab Label="@localizedStrings.TimeTrackingLabel">
<CascadingValue Value="@CustomerId">
<TimeTrackingList />
<MatTab Label="@localizedStrings.WorkItemsLabel">
Work Items
@code {
public Guid CustomerId { get; set; }
public CustomerDto Customer { get; set; }
LocalizedStrings localizedStrings = new LocalizedStrings();
/// <inheritdoc />
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
await base.OnInitializedAsync();
localizedStrings = await Localization.GetTextTableAsync<LocalizedStrings>(this);
Customer = await CustomerApi.GetCustomerByIdAsync(CustomerId);
And the nested component:
@using ApplySupportTool.Client.I18nText
@using ApplySupportTool.Client.Components.Modals
@using ApplySupportTool.Client.Services.Contracts
@using Toolbelt.Blazor.I18nText
@inject I18nText Localization
@inject IModalService Modal
@inject ITimeTrackingApi TimeTrackingApi
@if (false)
<LoadingDialog Title="@localizedStrings.LoadingLabel" IsOpen="true" />
} else
<br />
<MatButton Label="@localizedStrings.NewTimeTrackingLabel" Raised="true" OnClick="@OpenCreateTimeTrackingDialog" />
<br />
<br />
// Mat Blazor Accordion
@code {
public Guid CustomerId { get; set; }
LocalizedStrings localizedStrings = new LocalizedStrings();
public List<TimeTrackingDto> TimeTrackingDtoList = new List<TimeTrackingDto>();
/// <inheritdoc />
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
await base.OnInitializedAsync();
localizedStrings = await Localization.GetTextTableAsync<LocalizedStrings>(this);
TimeTrackingDtoList = await TimeTrackingApi.GetTimeTrackingAsync(CustomerId);
This works as expected when I navigate through the browser. But when I copy the link it generates and paste it again to load the page I get a lot of wasm errors:
I checked the pages I have a string.format but couldn't find that there is something wrong. So I assume that it might be in parsing the parameter or something like that.
Any idea how to fix this?
EDIT1: As suggested in the comments, I checked if the Guid is passed correctly. On the normal navigation it appears everywhere. But when I paste the link and navigate that way I only get it on the main page but it seems it isn't passed down to the nested component. I also tried to change replace the Guid Type with a default string parameter. But that didn't change anything. Neither did replacing the cascading parameter with a normal parameter.
I have the following code who shall display a dialog:
<MatDialog @bind-IsOpen="@deleteCustomerDialogOpen" Style="z-index: 100">
<MatIcon Icon="warning" />@localizedStrings.ConfirmDeleteTitle
@string.Format(localizedStrings.DeleteCustomerConfirmationMessage, SelectedCustomerDto?.CustomerName)
<MatButton OnClick="@DeleteCustomerAsync">@localizedStrings.DeleteLabel</MatButton>
<MatButton OnClick="@(e => { deleteCustomerDialogOpen = false; })">@localizedStrings.CancelLabel</MatButton>
And the localization is initialized as follows: LocalizedStrings localizedStrings = new LocalizedStrings();
/// <inheritdoc />
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() {
localizedStrings = await Localization.GetTextTableAsync<LocalizedStrings>(this);
The issue seems to be, that on a reload the the string.format is executed before localizedStrings was properly loaded. Therefore this caused the issues. I changed the code to the following which fixed it:
@string.Format(localizedStrings.DeleteCustomerConfirmationMessage, SelectedCustomerDto?.CustomerName)