My user send dynamic entity from client-project so, I have to write methods like this
public Task<TUser> FindByNameAsync(string normalizedUserName, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
throw new NotImplementedException();
//string sql = "SELECT * FROM \"IdentityUsers\" WHERE \"NormalizedUserName\" = @NormalizedUserName;";
//using (var connection = _databaseConnectionFactory.CreateConnectionAsync())
// connection.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync<TUser>(sql,
// new { NormalizedUserName = normalizedUserName });
My IDatabaseConnectionFactory class bind ConnectionString like below:
public interface IDatabaseConnectionFactory
Task<IDbConnection> CreateConnectionAsync();
public class ConnectionFactory : IDatabaseConnectionFactory
private readonly string _connectionString;
public ConnectionFactory(string connectionString) => _connectionString = connectionString ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(connectionString));
public async Task<IDbConnection> CreateConnectionAsync()
var connString = new NpgsqlConnection(_connectionString);
await connString.OpenAsync();
return connString;
Now, how can I execute following query using generic-type entity TUser
string sql = "SELECT * FROM \"IdentityUsers\" WHERE \"NormalizedUserName\" = @NormalizedUserName;";
using (var connection = _databaseConnectionFactory.CreateConnectionAsync())
new { NormalizedUserName = normalizedUserName });
Note: QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync not found under connection here
You aren't awaiting the CreateConnectionAsync
. Unfortunately it isn't obvious in this case, because Task<T>
is disposable (so the using
doesn't complain); try instead:
using (var connection = await _databaseConnectionFactory.CreateConnectionAsync())
var user = await connection.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync<TUser>(sql,
new { NormalizedUserName = normalizedUserName });
As a tip: the compiler output (against the original code) helps make this clear:
Error CS1929 '
' does not contain a definition for 'QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync
' and the best extension method overload 'SqlMapper.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync<TUser>(IDbConnection, string, object, IDbTransaction, int?, CommandType?)
' requires a receiver of type 'IDbConnection
which tells us that:
method, but it wasn't usable, becauseTask<IDbConnection>
, not an IDbConnection
As a side note: it is worth knowing that if you're only doing one operation with the connection, Dapper can deal with opening and closing the connection for you - which can help reduce the number of async/await operations. Consider, for example, if you had a CreateClosedConnection()
method that did not open the connection, and thus had no need to be async; the following would still work:
using (var connection = _databaseConnectionFactory.CreateClosedConnection())
var user = await connection.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync<TUser>(sql,
new { NormalizedUserName = normalizedUserName });
with Dapper dealing with the await OpenAsync()
for you as part of the QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync