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sjPlot interaction plot_model. How to plot between major grid lines, edit graph for visual appeal

I am trying to plot predicted values for model containing an interaction. I would like to move the position of the x-axis values (factors) closer to the centre of the graph. Currently using sjPlot, plot_model() function and I have tried using grid.breaks= but this only works for numeric values. Furthermore, everything I try, the values seem to only plot along the major grid lines. Is there not a way to plot between major grid lines? Alternatively is there a way to do this in ggplot2? TIA

mtcars$gear <- factor(mtcars$gear)
mtcars <- subset(mtcars,!gear=="3")
mtcars$gear <- factor(mtcars$gear)
m_gear <- lm(mpg ~ gear*wt, data = mtcars)
plot_model(m_gear, type = "int", grid.breaks = 0.5)

graph output


  • You can use coord_cartesian. When you have factors, they are encoded as 1,2 on the x-axis, so setting the limits beyond that will give you what you need, see:

    plot_model(m_gear, type = "int") + coord_cartesian(expand = TRUE,xlim=c(0,3))

    enter image description here

    plot_model(m_gear, type = "int") + coord_cartesian(expand = TRUE,xlim=c(0.5,2.5))

    enter image description here