I have below pandas df :
id mobile
1 9998887776
2 8887776665
1 7776665554
2 6665554443
3 5554443332
I want to group by on id and expected results as below :
id mobile
1 [{"9998887776": {"status": "verified"}},{"7776665554": {"status": "verified"}}]
2 [{"8887776665": {"status": "verified"}},{"6665554443": {"status": "verified"}}]
3 [{"5554443332": {"status": "verified"}}]
I know to_json method won't help here and I have to write UDF. But I am new to this and bit stuck here.
Use list comprehension with GroupBy.apply
with custom format for lists of dictionaries:
f = lambda x: [{y: {"status": "verified"}} for y in x]
df = df.groupby('id')['mobile'].apply(f).reset_index()
print (df)
id mobile
0 1 [{9998887776: {'status': 'verified'}}, {777666...
1 2 [{8887776665: {'status': 'verified'}}, {666555...
2 3 [{5554443332: {'status': 'verified'}}]
If need json
import json
f = lambda x: json.dumps([{y: {"status": "verified"}} for y in x])
df = df.groupby('id')['mobile'].apply(f).reset_index()
print (df)
id mobile
0 1 [{"9998887776": {"status": "verified"}}, {"777...
1 2 [{"8887776665": {"status": "verified"}}, {"666...
2 3 [{"5554443332": {"status": "verified"}}]