I'm implementing google in-app billing on my app. Normally, when a subscription reaches expire time, it will be automatically renewed. A new purchase is made (with the purchase token remain the same)
So, should my app acknowledge this new purchase or can I safely ignore it?
after rereading the google play in app billing documentation (https://developer.android.com/google/play/billing/billing_library_releases_notes#2_0_acknowledge)
"For subscriptions, you must acknowledge any purchase that has a new purchase token. This means that all initial purchases, plan changes, and re-signups need to be acknowledged, but you do not need to acknowledge subsequent renewals. To determine if a purchase needs acknowledgment, you can check the acknowledgement field in the purchase."
so basically, if the subscription is renewed, i don't have to acknowledge it. i share the answer here for anyone interested in the same topic.