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SQL finding total flagged hours within first 8 hours worked

I am aiming to find total hours worked in a day for shifts or fractions of shifts per person that are tagged with a value and fall within the first 8 hours of work, excluding breaks, on any day. Then display tagged shifts along with eligible total value.


  • 2am - 4am (2 hrs) - Normal shift
  • 5am - 9am (4 hrs) - Tagged shift
  • 10am - 3pm (5 hrs) - Tagged shift

Eligible Total 4 hrs (5am - 9am) + 2 hrs (10am - 12pm)

Source Table Format

PersonID | WorkDate | StartTime | FinishTime | HoursWorked (pre calculated) | ShiftType

    PersonID INT
    , WorkDate DATETIME
    , StartTime DATETIME
    , FinishTime DATETIME
    , HoursWorked DECIMAL(4, 2)
    , ShiftType VARCHAR(50)


INSERT INTO @Table VALUES (100,'2019-11-26','1900-01-01T02:00:00', '1900-01-01T04:00:00',2,'Normal')
INSERT INTO @Table VALUES (100,'2019-11-26','1900-01-01T05:00:00', '1900-01-01T09:00:00',4,'Tagged')
INSERT INTO @Table VALUES (100,'2019-11-26','1900-01-01T10:00:00', '1900-01-01T15:00:00',5,'Tagged')

Result Set

| PersonID | WorkDate   | StartTime           | FinishTime          | HoursWorked (pre calculated) | ShiftType | EligibleHours |
| 100      | 2019-11-26 | 1900-01-01T05:00:00 | 1900-01-01T09:00:00 | 4                            | Tagged    | 4             |
| 100      | 2019-11-26 | 1900-01-01T10:00:00 | 1900-01-01T15:00:00 | 5                            | Tagged    | 2             |


  • Here's my understanding of the requirements:

    • Collect the first 8 hours of work done by each user on each day
    • If a shift starts before 8 hours and finishes after 8 hours, it should be marked with the number of hours that occurred before the user got to 8 hours
    • Filter out all untagged shifts
    • Filter out all shifts without eligible hours

    To solve I used two windowing functions:

    • sum(TotalHours) over (...) to determine the cumulative sum of how many hours were worked in the current shift and all previous
    • (8 - lag(CumulativeWork, 1, 0)) over (...) to determine how much eligibility was left entering into the current shift.

    Here's the code:

        when RemainingWork <= HoursWorked then RemainingWork
        when RemainingWork > HoursWorked then HoursWorked 
        else 0 end as EligibleWork
      -- Calculate how much eligible work can happen in a given shift by 
      -- subtracting the amount of work done in previous shifts from 8
      8 - lag (CumulativeWork, 1, 0) over (Partition by PersonID, WorkDate order by StartTime) as RemainingWork
      , *
      from (
        -- Create a cumulative sum of the hours worked
        sum(HoursWorked) over (Partition by PersonID, WorkDate order by StartTime) as CumulativeWork
        , *
        from ShiftTable
      ) a
    ) b
    where shiftType = 'Tagged' and remainingWork > 0

    And the fiddle:!18/7a8dd/12