I have a set of images I have saved as .png and .pdf. I was wondering if there is anyway to combine either the pngs or pdfs together in such a way I could have multiple per page. I know how to use PdfFileMerger() to merge several pdfs together, but this only puts one item per page. Is there any way to accomplish this? I have both pdfs and pngs so whichever one I need to use I can.
I basically want to do something like:
Take image1.png, image2.png, image3.png, and image4.png and create something like:
image1.png | image2.png
image3.png | image4.png
I would really appreciate it!
You can use PIL
to create big empty image and then put small images on this image in different places.
from PIL import Image
# get images
img1 = Image.open('image1.png')
img2 = Image.open('image2.png')
img3 = Image.open('image3.png')
img4 = Image.open('image4.png')
# get width and height
w1, h1 = img1.size
w2, h2 = img2.size
w3, h3 = img3.size
w4, h4 = img4.size
# to calculate size of new image
w = max(w1, w2, w3, w4)
h = max(h1, h2, h3, h4)
# create big empty image with place for images
new_image = Image.new('RGB', (w*2, h*2))
# put images on new_image
new_image.paste(img1, (0, 0))
new_image.paste(img2, (w, 0))
new_image.paste(img3, (0, h))
new_image.paste(img4, (w, h))
# save it
BTW: you could write it in for
The same with program ImageMagick without Python.
But you can use these commands in Python with os.system('convert ...')
$ convert image1.png image2.png +append row1.png
$ convert image3.png image4.png +append row2.png
$ convert row1.png row2.png -append new.png
join in row, -append
join in column.
It is possible to do it even in one command: Stitching Image Set Together
$ convert image1.png image2.png image3.png image4.png +append -crop 2x1@ -append new.png
If you use new.pdf
instead of new.png
then it can create PDF
There is Python module Wand which uses ImageMagick
. Code is similar to pillow
from wand.image import Image
img1 = Image(filename='image1.png')
img2 = Image(filename='image2.png')
img3 = Image(filename='image3.png')
img4 = Image(filename='image4.png')
w1, h1 = img1.size
w2, h2 = img2.size
w3, h3 = img3.size
w4, h4 = img4.size
w = max(w1, w2, w3, w4)
h = max(h1, h2, h3, h4)
new_image = Image(width=w*2, height=h*2)
new_image.composite(image=img1, left=0, top=0)
new_image.composite(image=img2, left=w, top=0)
new_image.composite(image=img3, left=0, top=h)
new_image.composite(image=img4, left=w, top=h)
Example with cv2
and numpy
but it works when images have the same size. If they have different then they need empty rows and columns to have the same size.
import cv2
import numpy as np
img1 = cv2.imread('image1.png')
img2 = cv2.imread('image2.png')
img3 = cv2.imread('image3.png')
img4 = cv2.imread('image4.png')
row1 = np.concatenate((img1, img2), axis=1)
row2 = np.concatenate((img3, img4), axis=1)
new_image = np.concatenate((row1, row2))
# or
row1 = np.hstack((img1, img2))
row2 = np.hstack((img3, img4))
new_image = np.vstack((row1, row2))
cv2.imwrite('new.png', new_image)
Similar with matplotlib
and numpy
import matplotlib.image
import numpy as np
img1 = matplotlib.image.imread('image1.png')
img2 = matplotlib.image.imread('image2.png')
img3 = matplotlib.image.imread('image3.png')
img4 = matplotlib.image.imread('image4.png')
row1 = np.concatenate((img1, img2), axis=1)
row2 = np.concatenate((img3, img4), axis=1)
new_image = np.concatenate((row1, row2))
# or
row1 = np.hstack((img1, img2))
row2 = np.hstack((img3, img4))
new_image = np.vstack((row1, row2))
matplotlib.image.imsave('new.png', new_image)
Similar with imageio
and numpy
import imageio
import numpy as np
img1 = imageio.imread('image1.png')
img2 = imageio.imread('image2.png')
img3 = imageio.imread('image3.png')
img4 = imageio.imread('image4.png')
row1 = np.concatenate((img1, img2), axis=1)
row2 = np.concatenate((img3, img4), axis=1)
new_image = np.concatenate((row1, row2))
# or
row1 = np.hstack((img1, img2))
row2 = np.hstack((img3, img4))
new_image = np.vstack((row1, row2))
imageio.imwrite('new.png', new_image)