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Find out if firm enters or leaves industries over time

I have a data set with information about firms:

input firm_id str6 industry int fyear int
1084    7372    2010
1084    7375    2010
1084    7372    2011
1084    7375    2011
1084    7372    2012
1084    7375    2012
1084    7372    2013
1084    7375    2013
1084    7372    2014
1084    7375    2014
1094    2865    2002
1094    2879    2002
1094    5122    2002
1094    5169    2002
1094    2865    2003
1094    2879    2003
1094    5122    2003
1094    5169    2003
1094    2865    2004
1094    2879    2004
1094    5122    2004
1094    5169    2004
1094    2865    2005
1094    2879    2005
1094    5122    2005
1094    5169    2005
1094    2865    2006
1094    2879    2006
1094    5122    2006
1094    5169    2006
1094    2865    2007
1094    2879    2007
1094    5169    2007
1094    2865    2008
1094    2879    2008

Aside from a firm_id it includes information about which industries the firm is active in a given year.

How can I find how many industries a firm left and entered, in a given year?

I know that I could do this by writing a "loop in a loop" that looks at every individual observation and checks if the same firm_id and industry combination exists for year+1. But my data set is large, so that would be extremely inefficient.

I also contemplated solutions using reshape wide, but could not find a solution to my problem either (and of course this creates an extremely large number of variables and is not efficient either).


  • If you are trying to generate a single observation for each firm with the number of industries a firm enters and exits in each year, I believe the following code should work. The variables enter and leave indicate (respectively) if a firm enters or exists the industry in a given observation. Using a foreach loop over the years in the data you can then generate each of the variables indicating whether the firm enters or exits each year.

    bys firm_id industry (fyear): gen prevyear = fyear[_n-1]
    gen yrdifpast = fyear - prevyear
    gen enter = yrdifpast > 1
    bys firm_id industry (fyear): gen nextyear = fyear[_n+1]
    gen yrdiffuture = nextyear - fyear
    gen leave = yrdiffuture > 1
    levelsof fyear, local(years)
    foreach yr of local years {
        gen in_`yr'  = fyear==`yr'&enter==1
        gen out_`yr' = fyear==`yr'&leave==1
    collapse (sum) in_* out_*, by(firm_id)
      1. | firm_id | in_2002 | in_2003 | in_2004 | in_2005  | in_2006  | in_2007  | in_2008  | in_2010  |
         |    1084 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0  |       0  |       0  |       0  |       2  |
         | in_2011 | in_2012 | in_2013 | in_2014 | out_2002 | out_2003 | out_2004 | out_2005 | out_2006 |
         |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |
         |  out_2007  |  out_2008  |  out_2010  |  out_2011   |  out_2012   |  out_2013   |  out_2014   |
         |         0  |         0  |         0  |         0   |         0   |         0   |         2   |
      2. | firm_id | in_2002 | in_2003 | in_2004 | in_2005  | in_2006  | in_2007  | in_2008  | in_2010  |
         |    1094 |       4 |       0 |       0 |       0  |       0  |       0  |       0  |       0  |
         | in_2011 | in_2012 | in_2013 | in_2014 | out_2002 | out_2003 | out_2004 | out_2005 | out_2006 |
         |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |        1 |
         |  out_2007  |  out_2008  |  out_2010  |  out_2011   |  out_2012   |  out_2013   |  out_2014   |
         |         1  |         2  |         0  |         0   |         0   |         0   |         0   |