I am working on translating the word search algorithm implemented in both Julia (for the main code -- https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Word_search#Julia) and Python (for the creation of the class for Grid -- https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Word_search#Python).
I am attempting to rewrite the class definition of Grid from Python (see below) into R:
class Grid:
def __init__(self):
self.num_attempts = 0
self.cells = [['' for _ in range(n_cols)] for _ in range(n_rows)]
self.solutions = []
The following is my attempt at translating the Python class into an R6
Grid <- R6Class("Grid",
public = list(
num_attempts = NULL,
cells = NULL,
solutions = NULL,
initialize = function(num_attempts = NA, cells = NA, solutions = NA) {
self$num_attempts <- 0
self$cells <- cells
cells = function(val) {
for (val in seq_along(ncols)) {
for (val in seq_along(nrows))
result <- vector("character")
The following is the error message that I receive in R:
Error in R6Class("Grid", public = list(num_attempts = NULL, cells = NULL, :
All items in public, private, and active must have unique names.
Please offer suggestions on how to correctly perform this translation.
Thank you.
You refer to cells twice. Once you set it to Null, then to a function. That’s causing your error, I believe.