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rvm + rails3 + gmaps4rails - acts_as_gmappable

I am a noob with ruby rails and all. Sorry if my question is dumb.

I set up a environment with rvm (as a user) running ruby 1.8.7-p334. I have created a gemset for my "app" and now I would like to show a map of an address on the page. I've been looking around and found gmaps4rails.
I've add "gem 'gmaps4rails' "to my Gemfile & bundle install

I modified my model (added the required columns and rake db:migrate) and acts_as_gmappable and I get
undefined local variable or method `acts_as_gmappable'
If I add require 'gmaps4rails' I get a
no such file to load -- gmaps4rails

Any ideas folks ?



  • I fear it's my fault:

    after hours fighting with pow:

    I ended up making it work adding a .rvmrc file which sets the ruby version to ree and I forgot to add this file to my gitignore...

    Well, should be ok in 0.8.3, let me know!