am building a conversational chatbot for slack using rasa, and everything is working fine, so i decided to add some interactive messages with custom message and buttons, but the entities are not readable in custom message.
Rasa version: 1.3.7
Python version: 3.7
Issue: i want to output the entities that the user has chosen using the custom key.
it works very well with the text key using the code below in yaml:
- text: "your request is under review following the parameters:\n
- certificate: {certif_type}\n
- Departure date: {dep_date}\n
- Half day: {dep_date_half_day}\n
- End date: {end_date}\n
- Half day: {end_date_half_day}"
and the output is like:
but in case of using the custom key with the code below :
- custom:
- type: section
type: mrkdwn
text: 'your request is under review following the parameters :'
- type: section
- type: mrkdwn
text: "*Departure date:*\n{dep_date}"
- type: mrkdwn
text: "*Half day:*\n{dep_date_half_day}"
- type: mrkdwn
text: "*End date:*\n{end_date}"
- type: mrkdwn
text: "*Half day:*\n{end_date_half_day}"
- type: mrkdwn
text: "*Type:*\n{certif_type}"
and the output is like:
here is one of the Rasa maintainers. Thanks for your detailed issue description. That helped me a lot in finding the issue! Interpolating entities in lists in custom messages wasn't supported so far. I created a pull request and will merge and release this asap. Please follow the PR for updates on this:
Cheers, Tobi