I am struggling to find a straight forward answer on the internet. Hoping someone can help me out with this.
I have a dataset of customer locations with Longitude and Latitude. Each customer is part of a sales territory. Below is an example of the data headers that I have.
SalesTerritory ----- Customer ----- Longitude ----- Latitude
I am trying to make a sql query that will conduct a convex hull around these territories at the Sales Territory level of detail. My end goal is to use the output on a map to show sales territories.
Thanks for the help!
Convert the lat/lng to a geography (or geometry) value then aggregate at the SalesTerritory
level using ConvexHullAggregate
;with geog_cte as
SELECT SalesTerritory, geography::Point([Longitude], [Latitude], 4326) as customer_geog
from Table1
SELECT SalesTerritory , geography::ConvexHullAggregate(customer_geog) as territory_convex_hull
FROM geog_cte
group by SalesTerritory ;