I am working on a project, I would like help to simulate values in mouse scrolling, a path that I have been researching is this.
Set WX = CreateObject("DynamicWrapperX")
WX.Register "user32.dll", "GetActiveWindow", "r=l"
WX.Register "user32.dll", "PostMessageA", "i=hlll", "f=s", "r=l"
WX.Register "user32.dll", "ShowScrollBar", "i=hlp"
WX.Register "user32.dll", "SetScrollPos", "i=hlll"
WX.ShowScrollBar WX.GetActiveWindow(), 3, "1"
WX.SetScrollPos 0, 1, 100000, 1
WX.PostMessageA WX.GetActiveWindow(), 277, 4 + 65536 * 100, 0
I got something using dynamicwrapperx, but the code creates a new scroll, and that's not what I need
I managed to solve the problem using DynamicWrapperX.
Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Set WX = CreateObject("DynamicWrapperX")
WX.Register "user32.dll", "mouse_event", "i=uuulu", "f=s"
WX.mouse_event 2048, 0, 0, -10, 0
End Sub