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Unable to show tableview from button press on UIView xib

In my app users profiles are contained on a xib file that is shown when the user taps a button on the Main View Controller. At the base of the xib pop-up is a button that shows user's the leaderboard tableview of scores of other users in their area. The issue I am facing is that on iPhone 8 the tableview is able to slide up and be shown however on iPhone X & iPhone 11 nothing happens. Below I will include a screenshot of the view hierarchy and constraintsenter image description here

The code inside the IBAction is executed as such

   @IBAction func userTappedScoresIcon(_ sender: Any) {

    //load tableview data

    scoreViewTopConstraint.constant = 0.0

    UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.25) {
       self.scoresView.frame = self.profile_scroller.bounds



I have tried changing the constraints in storyboard as well as removing the constraint at the top of the tableview but nothing has been successful. any help would be much appreciated!


  • You can try with this example

    self.topConstraint.constant = -100.0;    
    [self.viewToAnimate setNeedsUpdateConstraints]; 
    [UIView animateWithDuration:1.5 animations:^{
        [self.viewToAnimate layoutIfNeeded]; 
    func AnimateBackgroundHeight() {
       UIView.animateWithDuration(0.5, animations: {
           self.heightCon.constant = 600 // heightCon is the IBOutlet to the constraint