I am attempting to create a form that requires some entry options to be more than one line long. This does not seem possible with the .Entry() function.
This issue is that I dont see anywhere in the documentation how to restrict the size of the text entry box (particularly, number of lines, or height)
To be clear, I am not trying to set the placement height, or text size, I am trying to restrict the number of lines where text can be entered (so the form is a predictable size) this is necessary because for each item I am using .place() to put them at certain pixel locations, and thus .pack() is not a viable solution for my problems either
Some reference material:
Use the text widget instead. It has a height option
Note: place requires integers that represent pixels, however, within the options of the text box, the width option requires integers that represent number of characters, and the height option requires an integer that represents number of lines. If you attempt to use height=20 expecting 20 pixels, you will be unpleasantly surprised. If you use width = 5, height = 5 it will not be square.
For reference, the default text size and font is an average of 8 pixels wide per character in the text widget, and 6 pixels per character in the default for the entry widget, so if you wanted a form to stretch a certain number of pixels, use width = round(pixel_length /6)
you can combine this with screen width and placement of the corner of forms to fill across the page or to near the end if you like