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wwv_flow_data_parser.parse moves value to wrong cell

I have some code where the parse function of a xlsx-File in apex gives a wrong result.

Row1 empty
A2: AZ
B2: Text

enter image description here

Rest empty.

-- Put file into Database first (named testfall_short_neu.xlsx)
with src as (
select id, daten,datei_name
from wpr02_datei
where datei_name = 'testfall_short_neu.xlsx' )
select line_number, col001,col002
                           from src, table( 
                                          p_content         => src.daten,
                                          p_file_name       => src.datei_name,
                                          p_xlsx_sheet_name => 'sheet1.xml'));


Line_NUMBER COL001  COL002
          1 null    Text
          2 AZ      null

Should be:

Line_NUMBER COL001  COL002
          1 null    null
          2 AZ      Text

Any hints why this is happening? Bug on opened.


  • this seems indeed to be a bug with APEX_DATA_PARSER, which manifests when the first row of the XLSX is empty.

    Can you send me the number of the "Bug on opened" ?

    Best regards
