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Is there a way to running a role until it succeeds in a play?

I have a role name system_check. After the system start up, I need to wait until this role succeeds.

Is there a way to run this role repeatedly until it succeeds?


  • Q: "Is there a way to run a role until it succeeds in a play?"

    A: It's not possible. The module include_role says:

    Ignores some keywords, like until and retries.

    Instead, use ansible-runner. For example, Use Runner as a standalone command line tool and test artifacts (rc, status, stdout).

    For example,

    ansible-runner -p test.yml -i ID01 run private1
    rc=$(cat $rcfile)
    echo "rc: $rc"
    until [ "0"  == "$rc" ]; do
        ansible-runner -p test.yml -i ID01 run private1
        rc=$(cat $rcfile)
        echo "rc: $rc"
    shell> tree private1
        ├── artifacts
        ├── daemon.log
        ├── env
        │   ├── envvars
        │   ├── extravars
        │   ├── passwords
        │   ├── settings
        │   └── ssh_key
        ├── inventory
        │   └── hosts
        └── project
            ├── roles
            │   └── testrole
            │       ├── defaults
            │       │   └── main.yml
            │       ├── handlers
            │       │   └── main.yml
            │       ├── meta
            │       │   └── main.yml
            │       ├──
            │       ├── tasks
            │       │   └── main.yml
            │       ├── tests
            │       │   ├── inventory
            │       │   └── test.yml
            │       └── vars
            │           └── main.yml
            └── test.yml