when i execute below query
SELECT r.name AS organizationRoleName, r.organizationRoleId, a.city, a.zip,a.address1
FROM `contact` AS c
UNNEST c.organizationRoles AS r
UNNEST r.addressAssociations AS aa
jOIN `optima_contact` AS a
ON aa.addressId = TO_NUMBER(a.addressId)
WHERE c.type = "organization" AND a.type = "address" and a.city="Plaridel";
i get the response as below
"address1": "Ground Floor Waltermart Center-Plaridel, Cagayan Valley Road, Barrio Banga 1, Plaridel",
"city": "Plaridel",
"organizationRoleId": 903,
"organizationRoleName": "SUN - WALTERMART PLARIDEL",
"zip": "3004"
"address1": "Ground Floor Waltermart Center-Plaridel Cagayan Valley Road Barrio Banga 1 Plaridel",
"city": "Plaridel",
"organizationRoleId": 1001,
"organizationRoleName": "FRS1 Store",
"zip": "3004"
Is there anyway to get the response in below format instead of above format?
"organizationRoleId": 903,
"organizationRoleName": "SUN - WALTERMART PLARIDEL",
"storeAddress": {
"address1": "Ground Floor Waltermart Center-Plaridel, Cagayan Valley Road, Barrio Banga 1, Plaridel",
"city": "Plaridel",
"zipCode": "3004"
"organizationRoleId": 1001,
"organizationRoleName": "FRS1 Store",
"storeAddress": {
"address1": "Ground Floor Waltermart Center-Plaridel Cagayan Valley Road Barri Banga
1 Plaridel",
"city": "Plaridel",
"zipCode": "3004"
What should be the way to get the above type of response?
You can construct Object using {city, zip, address1} and Alias AS storeAddress
SELECT r.name AS organizationRoleName, r.organizationRoleId,
{a.city, a.zip,a.address1} AS storeAddress
FROM `contact` AS c
UNNEST c.organizationRoles AS r
UNNEST r.addressAssociations AS aa
jOIN `optima_contact` AS a
ON aa.addressId = TO_NUMBER(a.addressId)
WHERE c.type = "organization" AND a.type = "address" and a.city="Plaridel";