I want to set each element of collection in one row, but they are always added in one column, not row.
var headers = new List<string> {...};
var row = 4;
worksheet.Cells[row, 2, row, headers.Count()].LoadFromCollection(headers);
From code - I select Range
in what I want to load collection. But it doesn't work as expected. Result in image (Dates should be in row as column headers).
Using EPPlus version
LoadFromCollection is supposed to work like that. Normally you pass it a collection of a complex type, then the properties of that type become the column headers, while each item in the collection is populated on a separate row.
Since you're passing a simple type, it's just like you passed a complex type with a single property. Every value goes on a different row.
If you instead want the items in your collection to be on the same row, just write a for loop to iterate over the items in the collection and add them.