I'm struggling to compose Servant
's Handler
and Monad
class Monad p => Persist p where
data Configuration p :: *
runPersistance :: Configuration p -> p a -> IO a
initPersistence :: p ()
newKind :: Kind -> p NewKindStatus
-- ...
kind :: P.Persist p => KindUid -> KindBody -> p (Handler ())
kind (KindUid uid) (KindBody actions) = undefined
subject :: P.Persist p => KindUid -> SubjectUid -> EventData -> p (Handler EventUid)
subject kind subject body = undefined
event = post :<|> get
where post :: P.Persist p => KindUid -> SubjectUid -> Action -> EventData -> p (Handler EventUid)
post kind subject action body = undefined
get :: P.Persist p => KindUid -> SubjectUid -> p (Handler [Event])
get kind subject = undefined
server :: P.Persist p => p (Server HermesAPI)
server = do
k <- kind
s <- subject
e <- event
return $ k :<|> s :<|> e
app :: P.Persist p => p (Application)
app = serve hermesAPI server
In order to answer to a route I have to use P.Persist
, which is Monad
doing IO
I did not found a way to make server
/app/Main.hs:55:3: error:
• Couldn't match type ‘KindUid
-> SubjectUid -> p0 (Handler [Event])’
with ‘(KindUid
-> SubjectUid -> Action -> EventData -> Handler EventUid)
:<|> (KindUid -> SubjectUid -> Handler [Event])’
Expected type: p (Server HermesAPI)
Actual type: p ((KindUid -> KindBody -> Handler ())
:<|> ((KindUid -> SubjectUid -> EventData -> Handler EventUid)
:<|> (KindUid -> SubjectUid -> p0 (Handler [Event]))))
• In a stmt of a 'do' block: k <- kind
In the expression:
do k <- kind
s <- subject
e <- event
return $ k :<|> s :<|> e
In an equation for ‘server’:
= do k <- kind
s <- subject
e <- event
55 | k <- kind
| ^^^^^^^^^
app/Main.hs:55:8: error:
• Couldn't match type ‘KindBody’ with ‘KindUid’
Expected type: p (KindUid -> KindBody -> Handler ())
Actual type: KindUid -> KindBody -> KindBody -> Handler ()
• In a stmt of a 'do' block: k <- kind
In the expression:
do k <- kind
s <- subject
e <- event
return $ k :<|> s :<|> e
In an equation for ‘server’:
= do k <- kind
s <- subject
e <- event
55 | k <- kind
| ^^^^
Since Handler
is already a newtype
, I'm stuck.
How can I compose Handler
and my Monad
in order to run it in Servant?
I did a step thanks to Mark Seemann, lifting the Handler
in order to leverage ServerT
newtype LiftHandler p a = LiftHandler (p (Handler a))
server :: P.Persist p => ServerT HermesAPI (LiftHandler p)
server = LiftHandler kind :<|> LiftHandler subject :<|> LiftHandler event
Leading to:
app/Main.hs:55:22: error:
• Couldn't match type ‘KindBody -> p2 (Handler ())’
with ‘Handler a2’
Expected type: KindUid -> Handler a2
Actual type: KindUid -> KindBody -> p2 (Handler ())
• Probable cause: ‘kind’ is applied to too few arguments
In the first argument of ‘LiftHandler’, namely ‘kind’
In the first argument of ‘(:<|>)’, namely ‘LiftHandler kind’
In the expression:
LiftHandler kind :<|> LiftHandler subject :<|> LiftHandler event
55 | server = LiftHandler kind :<|> LiftHandler subject :<|> LiftHandler event
This is only a sketch of a solution, but perhaps you'll find these hints useful. Handler
is a newtype
wrapper around ExceptT ServerError IO a
, but sometimes, you may not be able to produce such a type directly.
However, if you have another Monad
(like your Persist
) you may be able to first define your API using that Monad
, and then use hoistServer
to translate to ExceptT ServerError IO a
So, imagine, for example, that you define server
with this type:
server :: ServerT API P.Persist
You should be able to transform it into a Server
and run it like this:
run port $ serve api $ hoistServer api (Handler . trans) $ server
where trans
is your transformation from P.Persist
to ExceptT ServerError IO
As the documentation of hoistServer
Sometimes our cherished Handler monad isn't quite the type you'd like for your handlers.
I haven't tried to compile any of my code sketches, so there could be type errors. I don't know what P.Persist
is, so I can't repro the issue.
You may alternatively want to define server
server :: ServerT API (ExceptT ServantErr P.Persist)
so that you can use throwError
to communicate HTTP (error) status codes. That might also make it easier to write the transformation from ExceptT ServantErr P.Persist
to ExceptT ServerError IO
, because now you just need to figure out how to transform P.Persist
to IO